WHGA Handicap Calculations
(How we do it)
Equitable Stroke Control is used to prevent players from intentionally inflating their handicaps. Below is a chart showing the maximum numbers of strokes allowed within a given handicap range.
NOTE: These calculations are sourced from the RCGA Handicap Calculation Handbook.
Adj. Gross Score = Gross Score minus Equitable Stroke Control Adjustments.
Example: 85 – 3 (Adj. Strokes) = 82
Handicap for a Tournament = Adj. Gross Score – Course Rating X 113 / Course Slope
Note: Rating and Slope are based on White tees for all Flights.
Example: 82 – 68.4 X 113 / 123 = 12.49
Current Handicap = Avg. of handicaps for Attended Tournaments (last 8 tournaments)